Leo Vs Delga MUGEN
Fox Vs Evil Ryu MUGEN
Lucario/Mo Mo Vs. Guile/Zangief MUGEN
Fox vs Zangief MUGEN
Leo Vs. Gundog MUGEN
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - Frisky Fox Mccloud &_ Frisky Falco Lombardi VS Son Goku &_ Bara Beerus
Bowser Vs. Poochy MUGEN
Griffon Vs. Leo MUGEN
Blaziken Vs. Othello MUGEN
Goro Vs. Zangief MUGEN
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - Bara Delga &_ Bowser Koopa VS Dilf Mario &_ Othello
Poochy Vs. E. Honda MUGEN
Gun Dog Vs. Delga MUGEN
Jon Talbain Vs. Gundog MUGEN
Luffy Vs. Poochy MUGEN
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - Mo-Mo VS Bara Delga
Hulk Vs. Jon MUGEN
The Downfall of Lord Beerus (Created by WB)
Bowser And Asgore
Delga and Othello showcase by WB
Takuma and Delga Vs Hulk and Zangief
Jon Vs. Takuma MUGEN
Jon Talbain Vs Zangief MUGEN
Mo Mo Vs. Big D MUGEN
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - Frisky Falco VS Bara Leo
Poochy Vs. Heihachi MUGEN
Fox Vs. Natsu MUGEN
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - Bara Beerus VS Frisky Fox Mccloud &_ Frisky Falco Lombardi
MUGEN Tau Beast Minotaur Takuma The Boss
Hot pizza delivery man
Grove walktrough Chapter 1-Slime forest-Room 1 (All chests) (0.122)
Natsu Vs. Rulk MUGEN
Fila para foder o passivo sem capa
M.U.G.E.N.r-18 DEUX Presents Mario Day Special
MUGEN Buta Yaro VS Minotaur
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - Bara Marco Rodriguez VS Bara Leo
Dragon Ball Beerus vs Gnoll
MUGEN Minotaur Ryu
M.U.G.E.Nr-18 LIVE - BaraWeregarurumon and Bara Heihachi Mishima VS Mo-Mo Dainamaitu and Bara Ryu
Oh So Hero 0.16 - All Current