they themselves had tried to tell him, or inform that being of his male person as a character to leave that, or those being of, excuse my language, &/or pardon my french, the young, sweet tight stuff alone, but then r smelly, or r kelly wasn't he 4 min
- Sick
- What-s-wrong-with-r-kelly
- He-s-nuts-in-more-ways-than-one
- Going-back-to-the-can-after-decades-of-being-free
- That-is-like-stupid
- Really-now
- Not-learning-his-lesson-since-last-time
- Not-even-bill-cosby-want-him-as-a-cellmate
- Must-be-retarded
- Or-something-of-a-nature
- He-aint-got-a-prayer
- Gay-mafia-jewish-mafia-want-peanut-butter-of-his
- He-must-have-pissed-off-his-handlers-some-kind-of-